Tag: taxation

  • Threat to Prosperity: Canada Should Mind Business Investment Gap

    Threat to Prosperity: Canada Should Mind Business Investment Gap

    August, 2022 – Business investment in Canada is so weak that capital per member of the labour force is falling, and the implications for incomes and competitiveness are ominous. Governments, particularly the federal government, need to get serious about growth to get workers more of the tools they require to compete and thrive, according to…

  • 7000 Words About The Refragmentation Of The Economy

    7000 Words About The Refragmentation Of The Economy

    One advantage of being old is that you can see change happen in your lifetime. A lot of the change I’ve seen is fragmentation. US politics is much more polarized than it used to be. Culturally we have ever less common ground. The creative class flocks to a handful of happy cities, abandoning the rest.…

  • Cost Of Marijuana In 120 Cities And How Much Tax Revenue If Legalized

    Cost Of Marijuana In 120 Cities And How Much Tax Revenue If Legalized

    First a few quick facts…. ● ‏Tokyo, Japan has the most expensive cannabis‏ ‏, at 32.66 USD per gram. ‏ ● ‏Quito, Ecuador has the least expensive marijuana‏ ‏, at 1.34 USD per gram.‏ ● ‏Based on the average US marijuana tax rates currently implemented, ‏ ‏New York City could generate the highest potential tax…

  • Silo Reader Says All Products And Services Should Compete In A “Free Market”

    Silo Reader Says All Products And Services Should Compete In A “Free Market”

    The [ image that is shown with Toby Barrett’s recent letter ] is certainly worth a thousand words. Government is consuming too much. But why do we continue to feed government? Why would we participate in any political or economic system that is not serving our best interests? Government is basically unproductive and can only…