Tag: Digital Art

  • Moon Landing Included Lunaprise Museum First Beyond Earth

    Moon Landing Included Lunaprise Museum First Beyond Earth

    New York City – February, 2024 – In a historic moment that marks a significant milestone in the intersection of art, music, and space exploration, the Lunaprise Museum proudly announced the successful lunar landing of artworks as part of SpaceBlue’s’ curated and managed archive on the recent Lunar Lander as part of the historic space…

  • Metaverse Trademark Applications Surging

    Metaverse Trademark Applications Surging

    Over 5,800 Metaverse Trademark Applications Filed Last Year = Surging 200% Year-Over-Year In 2022, there was a significant surge in trademark applications related to the Metaverse and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), indicating the growing importance and potential profitability of these emerging industries. According to data collected by Blockchain Centre, there were 5,850 new Metaverse trademark applications and…

  • Are Gaming Reviews Always Reliable? Keep These 4 Things In Mind

    Are Gaming Reviews Always Reliable? Keep These 4 Things In Mind

    Much like movies, gaming as an industry has grown to be a robust machine churning out titles, both big and small, at an obliterative pace. Suffice it to say that it is impossible to try and play all games that release every year. Moreover, considering that the price of games has been on the rise…

  • Canadian Digital artist embraces wool in work

    Canadian Digital artist embraces wool in work

    “Wool on Wool” by T.M. Glass Renowned Canadian photographer and digital artist T.M. Glass is no stranger to the spotlight: her unique method of mixing floral photography with digital painting to produce mesmerizing physical prints has succeeded in capturing plenty of attention from the media and wider artistic community. In collaboration with The Campaign for Wool…

  • Photo Glitch Art Book Is Mysterious And Beautiful

    Photo Glitch Art Book Is Mysterious And Beautiful

    “The growing flow of digital culture depends on the hidden protocols of its underlying systems. To explore how interfacing shapes spectatorship online, this pioneering study pinpoints experiences of flow through the friction of photo-based glitch art by Phillip Stearns, Rosa Menkman, and Evan Meaney. Homing in on the viewer, these three cross-disciplinary case studies present…