Tag: Chaos Theory

  • How I Met My Wife Halfway In Zhengzhou China

    How I Met My Wife Halfway In Zhengzhou China

    How I met my wife halfway…Elegant Confusion………Being delivered by car (my wife’s friend and a co-worker) to the Hotel in the downtown area of Zhengzhou, bursting along the byways and expressways from the Airport, cars around us dancing across the indistinct markings of the lanes in what could be described as a level of a…

  • Photo Glitch Art Book Is Mysterious And Beautiful

    Photo Glitch Art Book Is Mysterious And Beautiful

    “The growing flow of digital culture depends on the hidden protocols of its underlying systems. To explore how interfacing shapes spectatorship online, this pioneering study pinpoints experiences of flow through the friction of photo-based glitch art by Phillip Stearns, Rosa Menkman, and Evan Meaney. Homing in on the viewer, these three cross-disciplinary case studies present…