Tag: paranormal

  • Albert Einstein’s Top Secret Aliens Document

    Albert Einstein’s Top Secret Aliens Document

    In June of 1947 Albert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer together wrote a TOP SECRET six page document entitled “Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies”.  Aliens? It was in 1947 and it said the presence of unidentified spacecraft is accepted as de facto by the military. It also deals with where do they come from,…

  • Spooky Missing Persons Stories

    Spooky Missing Persons Stories

    David Paulides is an ex-cop on a mission. After years of investigating missing persons and studying thousands of missing persons reports he has discovered strange coincidences and similarities that he has documented clearly and factually in several of his books including Missing 411 which was the focus of lecture at the University of Toronto a…

  • Crop Circle Formations Predicted And Found In Etten Holland

    Crop Circle Formations Predicted And Found In Etten Holland

    Nancy Talbot writes, “On Saturday night, July 12th, 2014,  Robbert and I were on Skype and Robbert said he felt that three formations were coming all in one night in different villages—one in corn (maize) and two in “grain.” He told me he “saw” (in his mind’s eye) that one would come in Roosendaal, one…

  • Strange Lights May Have Been UFO Over Southern Ontario

    Strange Lights May Have Been UFO Over Southern Ontario

    At approximately 10:15 PM EDT on March 17th I witnessed a strange sight. While driving into Simcoe, Ontario  via Hillcrest Road, something low on the horizon caught my attention. At first I wondered if this was a planet but after I pulled the car over to the side of the road and focused harder, it became clear that this…