Tag: Solar Storm

  • How To Prep For An Imminent EMP Attack

    How To Prep For An Imminent EMP Attack

    There you have it… from Dr. Peter Vincent Pry himself, director of the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security… An electromagnetic pulse (EMP for short) would literally send an entire country back in the 1800’s in a matter of seconds, by frying everyone’s electronics and leaving us in the dark. Here’s Ben Carson…

  • Strange Lights May Have Been UFO Over Southern Ontario

    Strange Lights May Have Been UFO Over Southern Ontario

    At approximately 10:15 PM EDT on March 17th I witnessed a strange sight. While driving into Simcoe, Ontario  via Hillcrest Road, something low on the horizon caught my attention. At first I wondered if this was a planet but after I pulled the car over to the side of the road and focused harder, it became clear that this…