Tag: corporation

  • How Big Data Is Exactly What It Sounds Like

    How Big Data Is Exactly What It Sounds Like

    When Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg took to Capitol Hill to explain user data retention almost four years ago, he essentially sat in the hot seat on behalf of every entity that has ever collected and used personal information to craft better products. If that sounds like a massive catch-all, that’s because it is. However, Systems…

  • Google Fined Billions By EU For Breaking Competition Law

    Google Fined Billions By EU For Breaking Competition Law

    It’s hard to imagine how much the latest Google fine really equates to. Really difficult in fact. But don’t worry! We’ve worked that out for you. Surprise, surprise, it’s a lot of money.  How many times a day do you say or think “I’ll have to google that!”. Probably a lot. Google has definitely become essential…