Tag: Paul McCartney

  • Streaming Royalties Are Bullshit A Musicians Case For Universal Income

    Streaming Royalties Are Bullshit A Musicians Case For Universal Income

    Royalties Are Bullshit: A Musician’s Case For Basic Income….. “This song is Copyrighted in U.S., under Seal of Copyright #154085, for a period of 28 years, and anybody caught singin’ it without our permission, will be mighty good friends of ourn, cause we don’t give a dern. Publish it. Write it. Sing it. Swing to it.…

  • The Mullet Dress

    The Mullet Dress

    “Business in the front, party in the back.” We’ve all heard the mullet mantra. However, I’m pretty sure mullets were only cool for a short period in the 80’s, and that was still only true if you were in a rock or heavy metal garage band. Once the mullets-are-acceptable-period passed, they were never a socially…

  • Letters To The Silo- Canadians Not Supporting Fair Elections Act

    Letters To The Silo- Canadians Not Supporting Fair Elections Act

    Dear Silo and the Canadian media- Pierre Poilivere out right lies when he says that Canadians support the provisions of the “Fair” Elections Act.  Who are these people? Can he name some – other then members of his own party who have been brow beaten into submission?    This is the text  of an Email I sent…

  • Window Fishing Or The Night We Caught Beatlemania

    Window Fishing Or The Night We Caught Beatlemania

    A Silo Canuck Book Review I’ve never particularly been a Beatle’s fan. I like some of their songs. I like a number of them very much, but if I was asked the now proverbial question, “The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?” I would probably say, Oh, I don’t know, maybe The Who? The body of…