Tag: Canuck Book Review

  • ‘Frail Absolute’ Book Not For Faint Hearted

    ‘Frail Absolute’ Book Not For Faint Hearted

    Plato’s The Republic challenged the way humankind thought. Now, a immigrant from then-Communist Hungary is posing a similar challenge: Is perception reality, why can one individual’s experience of reality differ so radically from another’s, and how can humankind’s search for a deity be what ultimately separates us from each other and from Nature? Heady stuff,…

  • Window Fishing Or The Night We Caught Beatlemania

    Window Fishing Or The Night We Caught Beatlemania

    A Silo Canuck Book Review I’ve never particularly been a Beatle’s fan. I like some of their songs. I like a number of them very much, but if I was asked the now proverbial question, “The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?” I would probably say, Oh, I don’t know, maybe The Who? The body of…

  • Canuck Book Review – Linden MacIntyre’s Why Men Lie

    Canuck Book Review – Linden MacIntyre’s Why Men Lie

    Why Men Lie is the third book in a series that takes place in Nova Scotia’s Cape Breton by Canadian author and journalist Lynden MacIntyre. As a follow up to Giller Prize Winning The Bishop’s Man, this installment of the story follows Effie MacAskill Gillis—a member of the cast in the last two novels in…

  • The Bishop’s Man By Canadian Author Linden MacIntyre

    The Bishop’s Man By Canadian Author Linden MacIntyre

    The Bishop’s Man by Canadian author Linden MacIntyre offers a deep and compelling story of one man’s struggle for atonement. The book revolves around a very controversial and current topic, the sexual abuse of children by Catholic Priests. However, this fictional work is much more than a critique on a current situation; it is a journey…