Tag: work-life balance

  • Finland Rates As World’s Happiest Country For Six Years Straight

    Finland Rates As World’s Happiest Country For Six Years Straight

    The World Happiness Report has anointed Finland as the world’s happiest country for six years straight. What makes a Nordic land with 5,5 million people so happy? In Helsinki, the capital of Finland, art and culture make the city a good place to live and visit. According to the UN-published report, Finns rate highly on…

  • Best Countries In Which To Be A Doctor

    Best Countries In Which To Be A Doctor

    Working abroad is an exciting and appealing prospect, but for the medical field there are differences that are worth considering. This infographic compares the top 5 countries in which to be a Doctor and looks at the cost of living as well as the quality of life to be found there. It’s important to make a…