Tag: Leena Karppinen

  • Finland Rates As World’s Happiest Country For Six Years Straight

    Finland Rates As World’s Happiest Country For Six Years Straight

    The World Happiness Report has anointed Finland as the world’s happiest country for six years straight. What makes a Nordic land with 5,5 million people so happy? In Helsinki, the capital of Finland, art and culture make the city a good place to live and visit. According to the UN-published report, Finns rate highly on…

  • Helsinki’s Growing Reputation As World Class Food City

    Helsinki’s Growing Reputation As World Class Food City

    For many people, the first things that come to mind when asked about Helsinki are its northern location, the happiest people in the world, and functional design. The Finnish capital’s high-quality and unique food culture, on the other hand, has remained a well-kept secret and often pleasantly surprises visitors to the city. In Helsinki, one…