Tag: human evolution

  • ‘Paws Off My Waterhole!’ Some Thoughts On The Study Of Hierarchies

    ‘Paws Off My Waterhole!’ Some Thoughts On The Study Of Hierarchies

    Who benefits, and how, from the operation of human social hierarchies? This article from Michael W. Diehl looks at social and economic inequality and the need to asses the costs and benefits that accrue to persons of varying status in social hierarchies. This “behavioral ecology” has historically been concentrated on food selection between classes or…

  • Case Against Students Being Forced To Memorize

    Case Against Students Being Forced To Memorize

    “Pay attention students, write this down for memorization.”  The Trivium and Quadrivium, medieval revival of classical Greek education theories, defined the seven liberal arts necessary as preparation for entering higher education: grammar, logic, rhetoric, astronomy, geometry, arithmetic, and music. Even today, the education disciplines identified since Greek times are still reflected in many education systems.…