Tag: Holly LaRue

  • Yummy Turducken For American Thanksgiving Holiday Dinner

    Yummy Turducken For American Thanksgiving Holiday Dinner

    “Turducken” – defined by the Urban Dictionary as: 1. (n) An American Thanksgiving holiday culinary grotesque: Consists of a chicken, stuffed into a duck, progressively stuffed into a turkey and baked. Provides hours of entertainment in the form of waiting for the sucker to finish cooking and enough sandwich meat to last through The Apocalypse.…

  • Ten years ago- Batman Arkham City released

    Ten years ago- Batman Arkham City released

    Batman: Arkham City Review – Rated T (for Xbox and Play Station) Welcome ! I am going to begin this review with a confession: I am a retro gaming fan and somehow have missed out on a number of wonderfully aging titles. In fact, I had never played Batman: Arkham Asylum. It’s not that I…

  • DJ Hero- Blurs the line between videogame and performance art

    DJ Hero- Blurs the line between videogame and performance art

    Question: what do William Shakespeare and DJ Hero have in common? Well, in the famous words of Will himself, “If music be the food of love, play on”. That’s right, the soundtrack is the star in this new video game! We’ll get to the gameplay in a moment but first let’s jive to the beats.…