Tag: Cayuga

  • Digital Blessings For Auto Restoration And Repair

    Digital Blessings For Auto Restoration And Repair

    One of the biggest influences that the internet and social media has on the automotive industry is the now ease of finding hard-to-find parts and procedures. Go on Google, type in your year, make, and model, followed by the part  or procedure you are looking for, and in the results you are bound to find…

  • Native Blockade Shuts Down Caledonia’s Douglas Creek Estates

    Native Blockade Shuts Down Caledonia’s Douglas Creek Estates

    The bypasses and bridges of Haldimand County    On February 28, 2006, Janie Jamieson and Dawn Smith led a blockade shutting down construction of Caledonia’s Douglas Creek Estates. The subdivision has been occupied by native activists ever since. Over the ensuing nine years, protests and demands have had an impact on traffic, construction and plans for…

  • $182 Million Spent On Autism Treatment 0$ Spent On Autism Service Dogs

    $182 Million Spent On Autism Treatment 0$ Spent On Autism Service Dogs

    Haldimand do not need an auditor general’s report to tell them that ASD services are in disarray. Our government should be commended for spending $182 million dollars on Autism treatment, however I have yet to meet a single Canadian family satisfied with their services. In 2007 there was thankfully, no wait list for Intensive Behavioral…

  • MTO Explain Archaeological Delays For Ontario Bridge

    MTO Explain Archaeological Delays For Ontario Bridge

    Silo/HNARP- Can you tell our readers a bit about the history of the bridge, for example the year in which it was first built and its age? The Grand River Cayuga Bridge is a 5-span through-truss bridge. Construction began in 1923 and was completed in 1924. Silo/HNARP- So why is the bridge being redesigned and…