Tag: dogs

  • 54 Percent Of Dogs In North America Are Obese

    54 Percent Of Dogs In North America Are Obese

    LOS ANGELES, Calif.  – It’s not just people who are experiencing a high rate of being overweight. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), 54% of dogs in the country are considered overweight or obese. That adds up to 50 million dogs in the USA (and much more taking Canada and Mexico pet dogs…

  • What Dog Breeders Don’t Tell And Trainers Don’t Teach

    What Dog Breeders Don’t Tell And Trainers Don’t Teach

    Could You  Lose Your Homeowner’s Insurance Because of Your Dog? In many years, dog bites accounted for more than one-third of all homeowner’s insurance liability claims in the United States, according to the Insurance Information Institute and State Farm. In Canada numbers are not readily available but there is a strong chance we are not…

  • $182 Million Spent On Autism Treatment 0$ Spent On Autism Service Dogs

    $182 Million Spent On Autism Treatment 0$ Spent On Autism Service Dogs

    Haldimand do not need an auditor general’s report to tell them that ASD services are in disarray. Our government should be commended for spending $182 million dollars on Autism treatment, however I have yet to meet a single Canadian family satisfied with their services. In 2007 there was thankfully, no wait list for Intensive Behavioral…