Tag: personal power

  • Working On Emotional Intelligence Will Open Doors To Achievement

    Working On Emotional Intelligence Will Open Doors To Achievement

    Personal power is a core leadership competency that everyone  needs to develop before they can lead others. It has to do with being able to lead yourself. “Personal power is the ability to achieve what you want,”  according to Frederick Mann, a successful entrepreneur and author of The  Economic Rape of America. “More than anything…

  • Words Are Powerful. Use With Care, Media Expert Warns

    Words Are Powerful. Use With Care, Media Expert Warns

    It’s easy to take words for granted; most of us use them as effortlessly as we breathe. But words hold power that we often overlook at our own peril, says media expert Steve Kayser. “Language is the code that translates ideas so they can be shared. They give us an advantage in the natural world,…