E-Factor Diet Hacks Means No Muffins, Bagels Or Cereals For Breakfast

I’m sure you’ve had those days where you wake up and scarf down something for breakfast that’s convenient so you can get out the door as fast as possible. Now it should go without saying that starting your day with foods like doughnuts, pastries, or pancakes is a fat storing Nightmare.

But most folks turn to other so-called healthier alternatives that are nearly just as bad.

EFactor Foods Avoid MuffinsHere are 3 of the Worst Foods to Eat in the Morning

1. Muffins

Most store-bought muffins are giant, which means they can sometimes contain over 600-700 calories that have absolutely No protein or healthy fats to keep you feeling full and satisfied.

2. Bagels

Would you sit down and knowingly eat Four slices of bread?

Well, Most bagels have the equivalent of four servings of bread, which will quickly convert into sugar making you store fat and feel lethargic in no time.

3. Cereals

Over-the-counter cereals are, by far, one of the worst foods for your waistline and your health.

The majority of over-the-counter cereals are empty calories, simple carbs and sugar, cleverly disguised as a “healthy” breakfast.

There are a few rare exceptions, like some of the cereals in the Ezekiel 4:9® line from Food for Life®, but I never eat cereal when I’m trying to get leaner.

EFactor Foods Bee Sting MetaphorIf you wake up and eat Any of the above 3 foods to start your day it’s like being stung by a bee.

Seriously, they’ll make you literally swell up, while making you feel fat and bloated the entire day.

They also Force your body to depend on sugar all day-instead of burning fat.

However, there are certain foods that you can eat in the morning that are guaranteed to turn your fat burning switch to ‘On’ as soon as you wake up.

They’re called E-Factor Foods which are specifically designed to make you look and feel leaner—all while holding less water. You’ll quickly see why adding these 4 E-Factor Diet Hacks into your day can make you look and feel leaner in less than 24 hours from now. Stay fit and keep learning.  For the Silo, Antony Thomas. 


2 responses to “E-Factor Diet Hacks Means No Muffins, Bagels Or Cereals For Breakfast”

  1. Bee Krzykowski Avatar

    This blog about E-Factor Diet Hacks Means No Muffins, Bagels Or Cereals For Breakfast .
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    Kiss you All!

  2. Antony Thomas Avatar
    Antony Thomas

    Here’s what you CAN eat 😉

    Three of my favorite foods to eat in the morning are…

    Fat Burning Breakfast Food #3: Whole Eggs

    Eggs contain lean protein, friendly fats, B vitamins like choline for your heart and brain—and naturally occurring antioxidants that benefit your eyes.

    One study even found that, compared to those who eat bagels, people who eat two eggs for breakfast lose 65 percent more weight and have higher energy levels.

    Tip: I recommend 2-3 whole eggs over-easy cooked in real olive oil or with fat burning breakfast food #2…

    Fat Burning Breakfast Food #2: Coconut Oil

    The Journal of Nutrition published a study where they had researchers investigate all studies relative to medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that are abundant in coconut fat.

    All the studies showed that diets rich in fats, such as those found in coconut oil, prompted a plethora of benefits including:

    – Boost in metabolism
    – Increase in energy
    – Decrease in food consumption
    – Reduced body weight and lower body fat mass

    TIP: I add a tablespoon to my coffee at least 5 or 6 days of the week.

    Fat Burning Breakfast Food #1: Kefir

    Kefir is getting a ton of attention in the nutrition world these days because it’s like a Much healthier version of yogurt from the high amounts of probiotics.

    A six ounce serving of milk kefir contains 6 grams of protein, along with a healthy dose of calcium, B12, B2 (Riboflavin), phosphorus, magnesium, and even a little bit of vitamin D.

    Kefir has also been shown to improve digestion, aid in weight management and mental health, which makes it one of the healthiest breakfast foods you can consume (even though it’s technically a liquid).

    Tip: I like using it in my protein shakes as a replacement for milk.

    As you’ll notice, I didn’t recommend any higher carb foods for breakfast because, in most cases, they can make you tired and “turn on” your fat storing hormones.

    In fact, I would argue that’s it’s not your food choices that are holding you back… it’s When you’re eating certain diet foods that makes all the difference.

    This brand new concept of eating at the link below explains how you can avoid this to create enjoyable, consistent fat loss:

    New concept of eating anything you have Ever tried before

    To your best health ever.

    Antony Thomas

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