Tag: oil pipeline

  • Into The Depths Is How Far Down Companies Drill For Oil

    Into The Depths Is How Far Down Companies Drill For Oil

    Have you ever wondered how far down companies have to drill for oil? It’s quite staggering! Over the years, companies have had to go further and further into the earth in order to find Earth’s remaining oil and today we are deeper than ever. In this piece, we’ll be looking at the Z-44 Chayvo Well,…

  • Green Party Emphatic No To Proposed ‘Tar Sands Oil’ Pipelines In Ontario

    Green Party Emphatic No To Proposed ‘Tar Sands Oil’ Pipelines In Ontario

    Ottawa – Green Party leader Mike Schreiner is pledging to fight two oil pipeline projects through Ontario.  Joining Ottawa South candidate Taylor Howarth on a campaign tour, Schreiner and Howarth raised concerns about the health, environmental and economic effects of TransCanada Corp.’s proposed east coast pipeline, which travels through Ottawa, and Enbridge’s proposed Line 9…