Tag: calligraphy

  • Kanazawa Japan Keeping Geigi Culture Alive

    Kanazawa Japan Keeping Geigi Culture Alive

    Kanazawa remains one of Japan’s most curious cities. True to its deep roots, its architecture and layout continue to reflect the style and look that dominated its feudal era during the famed Edo period. Even today, its mysterious districts draw visitors and photographers from around the world who wish to experience and capture its intrigue,…

  • Illustrator Demonstrates Ireland’s Linguistic Decline

    Illustrator Demonstrates Ireland’s Linguistic Decline

    There is a mass decline in linguistic diversity happening all over the planet and in places geographically far apart and I think that if things don’t change, the loss of language diversity will be immense. In the book, Irish in the global context,  Suzanne Romaine mentions that linguists believe, that 50 to 90 % of…

  • Colouring In The Bible Is The Latest Trend In Journaling

    Colouring In The Bible Is The Latest Trend In Journaling

    An interesting new trend is on the rise—colouring in a Bible. What was once frowned upon, is now encouraged. This new trend is called Bible journaling. Bible journaling is the act of doodling in one’s Bible, as a way to creatively express one’s faith. However, some people choose to illustrate outside their Bible; as for…