Tag: vegetables

  • How Cardiovascular Disease Connects To Inflammation

    How Cardiovascular Disease Connects To Inflammation

     I bet we all have someone near and dear to our heart, who has been touched by cardiovascular disease.  Public health and agencies such as Heart and Stroke Society have done an excellent job highlighting some of the key factors that are risk factors to cardiovascular disease.  These risk factors can include hypertension, diabetes, high…

  • Unique Ontario Bill 36 (designed to promote Local Food) passes final Vote

    Unique Ontario Bill 36 (designed to promote Local Food) passes final Vote

    Ontario is moving forward to help promote the good things that are grown, harvested and processed in Ontario with today’s passage of the Local Food Act, 2013. The new legislation is part of a strategy http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/about/localfood.htm  to build Ontario’s economy by making more local food available in markets, schools, cafeterias, grocery stores and restaurants. This…