Tag: keyboard

  • The Most Common Keyboard Joke In Existence

    The Most Common Keyboard Joke In Existence

    As we get older we get wiser. It’s just part of the deal. We have all heard the expression that knowledge is power, but power can also be corrupting. Sometimes, it’s good to get a reminder that as smart or as knowledgeable as we think we might be there is always something new to learn.…

  • Synth Britannia Shows The Future Was In Fact Delivered

    Synth Britannia Shows The Future Was In Fact Delivered

    Come on, you have to admit. It’s a lot of fun to stumble around YouTube with that old pre-internet habit of television channel surfing surprising you with random discoveries. When I do, I particularly enjoy reading comments left by others who have somehow found their way to whatever it is I happen to be watching. This…