Tag: James Cameron

  • Sci Fi Like Devices Part Of Queen’s Park Security Update

    Sci Fi Like Devices Part Of Queen’s Park Security Update

    Eight years ago at Queen’s Park, the Cross-Border Institute (CBI), part of the University of Windsor, hosted an event to demonstrate advances in security, surveillance and fingerprinting technology. That technology had immediate application for border crossing screening, supply chain security and cybersecurity. The CBI hosted the event as part of its mandate to support ongoing,…

  • Model Building Led To Canadian Titanic Society Founding

    Model Building Led To Canadian Titanic Society Founding

    Norm Lewis was just twelve years old in 1958, a student at the old South Public School, when he saw the film A Night To Remember, a straight forward rendering of the Titanic disaster based on the book by Walter Lord. The film was a pivotal experience for Norm, and the beginning of a life-long…

  • Celebrate 20th Century Fox Alien Day On April 26 With Re-Issued Reebok Shoes

    Celebrate 20th Century Fox Alien Day On April 26 With Re-Issued Reebok Shoes

    Is the Alien(s) franchise overdue for an official day of recognition and fan celebration? I think so.  Fans of the original 1979 movie and the sequels and prequel that followed are a loyal bunch. They spend money on toys, posters, t-shirts, Blue-ray box sets and some like me, shelled out big bucks in 1987 for a…