Tag: ingame purchase

  • Crypto and E-wallets are Future of Gaming Payments

    Crypto and E-wallets are Future of Gaming Payments

    The gaming industry is undergoing a significant shift. The payments ecosystem is evolving towards a new era of cryptocurrencies and e-wallets and away from conventional online banking accounts. According to our friends at LotteryCritic.com, the impact of this changing payments ecosystem is multifaceted, affecting everything from the speed of transactions to how funds are stored…

  • Archaeology Added To World Of Warcraft Expansion Pack

    Archaeology Added To World Of Warcraft Expansion Pack

    In the videogame world there’s immersive gaming and then there’s immersive gaming. Take Blizzard’s World of Warcraft for example. Not only can you buy “virtual treasure and items” on eBay using real life money, there’s a new cataclysm expansion pack that allows  your character to  learn a new archaeology skill and visit “virtual dig sites”…