Tag: donna summer

  • New Comic Books From Tidalwave Include SpaceForce

    New Comic Books From Tidalwave Include SpaceForce

    Space Force #11 Writer: Michael Frizell Artist: Daniel Pedrosa FINAL ISSUE! The attempted assassination of President Quinn during peace talks with the Red Queen pushes Earth towards a galactic war with an alien enemy. But when the assassin’s identity is revealed as Stormy Daniels, Agent Aela Grant and the crew of the Helix II must choose…

  • Synth Britannia Shows The Future Was In Fact Delivered

    Synth Britannia Shows The Future Was In Fact Delivered

    Come on, you have to admit. It’s a lot of fun to stumble around YouTube with that old pre-internet habit of television channel surfing surprising you with random discoveries. When I do, I particularly enjoy reading comments left by others who have somehow found their way to whatever it is I happen to be watching. This…