Tag: currency exchange

  • This Quiz Tests Your Knowledge Of Paper Money Faces

    This Quiz Tests Your Knowledge Of Paper Money Faces

    You’ve likely seen paper money from all over the planet. Maybe you have an aunt living in Australia that sends you dollars in the mail every year for your birthday or perhaps on your commute to work each day you pass by a currency exchange kiosk- you know the type: colorful bills from all over…

  • Why Financial Industry Needs To ‘Get Real’ About Cyber Security

    Why Financial Industry Needs To ‘Get Real’ About Cyber Security

    Why the Financial Sector? Within the global sector of cyber security, the two major areas that are constantly under attack are financial and governmental. Financial organizations that hold consumer data, in particular those that provide financial services to retail and commercial customers, including banks, investment companies, real estate firms, retail banking and insurance companies, are…

  • Eligibility Criteria for a Professional Trading Account to Bypass EU Leverage Restrictions

    Eligibility Criteria for a Professional Trading Account to Bypass EU Leverage Restrictions

    The European Union (EU) isn’t known for its intelligence, fairness, or competence to govern and it more than proved this when it changed financial regulations limiting the amount of leverage contract for differences (CFD) brokers could offer their clients. A few years ago, there were no limits on forex trading leverage with some brokers offering up to 1,000 times…