Tag: Cleveland

  • New Research Shows Most Iconic Film Locations Include One In Canada

    New Research Shows Most Iconic Film Locations Include One In Canada

    Indiana Jones fans might hear The Raiders March in their heads when looking at this photograph. Can you name this neighborhood in London, England and the movie that made this street famous? Our friends at Spin Genie have analyzed Instagram posts, TikTok views and Google search data to determine which can be crowned the most iconic. The…

  • Toxic Algae Blooms in Lake Erie Cause Water Emergencies

    Toxic Algae Blooms in Lake Erie Cause Water Emergencies

    Toxic algae. The Silo @thesiloteam · 1m Lake Erie toxic algae bloom causes water emergency in Toledo, OH -citizens scramble for bottled water http://patch.com/michigan/novi/lake-erie-toxins-leave-southeast-michigan-ohio-residents-without-water#.U94t…q7fD_IU … #Silo #Earth The Silo @thesiloteam · now What are implications for #Oxford #NorfolkCounty #Haldimand County communities water supply? Bacteria/ Algae signs already posted on beaches