Tag: boutique

  • Influence of COVID-19 on luxury refurbished market

    Influence of COVID-19 on luxury refurbished market

    The luxury market was one of the most adversely affected industries during the pandemic. Between 2020 and 2021, people were stuck in lockdown to help prevent the spread, and as a result did not have a reason to go out purchasing luxury products. This naturally affected the sales of the luxury market, as jobs were…

  • Chelsea Taylor Jewelry Designed With Wild Animal Prints

    Chelsea Taylor Jewelry Designed With Wild Animal Prints

    The brief: Wild animal prints have come roaring back onto the fashion scene for the past few years. From handbags and shoes to diaper bags and bed linens, this hot, fun and funky trend seems like it’s here to stay. This trend has also extended into the jewelry world with the dark colored prints and…