Tag: Bell Canada

  • Canadians aware country is #1 in extreme, unfair mobile rates

    Canadians aware country is #1 in extreme, unfair mobile rates

    My name is Ann Murray (not that Ann Murray), and I’m a publicist for RingCredible, the next practical, affordable, secure and reliable solution in mobile VoIP calling.  I’m writing to explain  how consumers can spend as little as possible on mobile calling charges each month  – and quickly hack their household mobile calls spending. This topic…

  • Netflix Is The Good Life Without Cable

    Netflix Is The Good Life Without Cable

    I’d about had it with Bell Canada. My internet, home phone and basic satellite TV charges had incrementally and infuriatingly risen each month until I was red-faced steaming every time the outrageous bill appeared in my mailbox. I needed to reduce that burden, but….I needed some sort of plan. The first step, I thought, would…